Wednesday, November 12, 2008

just a quickie...

Our internet is working for half a second so I thought I would put a few quick thoughts down on what's been going on lately... which really hasn't been much.
First off two of my friends have had their babies with in last 2 weeks which is pretty exciting. Being around a little baby pushes the date will start planning on child number two to much further away.
Reese has been walking around like a mad woman lately. She started taking her first steps just a few days before she turned ten months and now she walks more than she crawls... it blows me away how fast she learned.
We really haven't been up to much lately... still just working and trudging through day by day. We really need to get up to Idaho Falls and start the apartment hunt, it's so hard to find the time to get up there since it will probably end up taking a full day. I hate moving and I hate the thought of having to look for a new job... I'm praying that I can just transfer. Our schedule works out great for us right now it stinks to have to adjust to something new. Hopefully by the next time I blog we will have found a place to live. Well I need to go grocery shopping... sorry so short just wanted to let you all know that we are still alive...

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