Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter or Christmas?

Well Mr. Cottontail did make it to our house (despite a little girl being a very big poop head the day before). A new activity gym for brother and a new (much anticipated) bike for Reese.
He even nibbled on the carrots we left out for him.
She doesn't have a clue how to ride it but it's just as fun being a big girl and being able to sit on one.
Checking out the rest of her basket.
Some candy and sidewalk chalk (sadly everything she got requires the weather to cooperate).
New shirts for dad! Todd and I got matching shirts to wear to the Jazz game next week. Todd also got a new shirt for school and a Sam's Club size pack of gum (and other candy). I got a new bottle of Moroccan Oil for my hair (since I dropped my last one on the bathroom floor and broke it), New Moon, and some candy.
Maybe with all the snow Santa thought it was Christmas and made an extra delivery.
Testing out the new bike. The best part is the the baby seat up front. She loves it.
Boston loves his new Easter present too! He layed on the mat and just wiggled and wiggled and even hit the rattle around (I'm sure by accident, but we'll pretend it was on purpose).

After we dug into our baskets we had a nice french toast breakfast with some bacon too! Yum!


The Bee Family said...

Man! It looks way to cold there! Maybe we should wait to come visit!!!! Eli said the same thing about christmas...well sortof...he really just looked at me and said "Okay. Seriously. Our kids are SPOILED rotton!" But you gotta spoilem' while they are still cute right! I love how your egg monsters turned out. Super cute...and of course your little kiddos are too!

The Higbees said...

Holy Frick!! A Wii?? I'm sensing the next hang out is at yall's house!! Sounds like Boss and Reester had a happy Easter!

Kimmie said...

reese looks tall. is she tall for her age?

Kimmie said...

RESURRECT THE PHOTO BLOG!!!! WOOOO HOOO! My photos always sucked stinky eggs, but I LOVED looking at everyone else's!