Friday, June 11, 2010

Picture Overload...

So it's been a month so I might as well have a months worth of pictures right? Both of our computers are still being really dumb. We need to take them somewhere and just get them fixed but we just haven't done it yet. The laptop is just super annoying to use when your on the internet we keep getting a ton of pop ups and internet explorer is closing messages (not sure what the deal is - feel free to offer any advice). I don't think it has anything to do with the settings because we have tried to adjust everything, but who knows. Anyways and our desktop is soooo slow right now. It boggles my mind because it goes from working perfectly fine and wonderful to being slow and stupid. Enough about that though. {Boston WILL love football... yes we are already brainwashing him}
We haven't been up to much this past month. Todd is still working hard in his last semester with a full load of 19 credits and working full time. We're excited to be heading back to Pocatello in August and today we went down to check out some places out to live. {Boston's new toy - I think he's bored having to lay on the ground all the time - now he gets to be swung and bounced around by his sister-poor kid}
We had a day with a fraction of sunshine and made it to the park. They had the water turned on at the splash park so we let Reese run around a bit.

{Todd teasing Reese... pretending to hold her under the big bucket of dumping water}

{Testing the water}

My little brother Tyler's High School Graduation. {He refused to smile in any of his pictures-he's that cool}
I probably should have an arrow pointing to him, but he's like the 3rd row from the back 3rd one in.
{Shaking hands with the VP}

Some of these pictures have been posted on FB, but since not everyone has access to those I'll post them again.
{Impossible to a picture with both of them cooperating}

{Reese was watching Dancing with the Stars and wanted to dress up a bit, just like the girls on the show}
{Our little dancer girl twirling around the room, she tries really hard to copy exactly how the girls and the tv are doing it}
{The cutest, happiest boy in the world -- Love him sooo much} He is doing soo good. We just had his 4 month checkup. Weight: 16lbs 1oz, Height: 27" -- So BIG!! He loves to smile laugh and yell. His favorite toys are his linking rings and his frog. He giggles every time he sees himself in the mirror and started rolling over the week before he turned 4 months. He is an excellent sleeper-- he goes down around 9 pm and wakes up at 5-6 to eat and then back to bed for a couple more hours.
Earlier this week we had a beautiful sunny day so I met some of my girlie friends at the Idaho Falls zoo and just enjoyed the day with all of our children. {Reese even got to ride on the airplane ride at the little 'creepy' fun land right next to the zoo}
I should post the pic that I have of her when she's like 6 months taking a drink from this same lions mouth. I'm sure you can flip back through the archive and find it.
{Reese the little mother hen, with her best little bud Addi}

{All the little girls - Reese, Addi, and Braylee}
{Multiple attempts at trying to take a picture of all 3 of them - impossible}

{Just after rolling over}

{He loves his hands!}

One of my very favorite pics. {Hanging out in the stroller at the zoo}

{Love him!}
Like I said not too much going on... I did take a 2 day photography class. It was so nice to have a couple hours 100% to myself. I wish it had been a little bit longer, but it was just a community class offered through the university.
Not too much coming up on the agenda. Only 2 months left in Rexburg!!


The Bee Family said...

2 months is it? Woot woot!! K so I hardly recognized Boston-he is getting HUGE so so crazy! Just think if we move back there someday how much fun our kids are gonna have someday! They will just be such good buddies. Reese and Sadie, and Ben and Boston! Oh I can't wait we love you guys :) Thanks for posting.

The Higbees said...

Oh my gosh kim those pics of boss are seriously so cute!!! Oh my gosh what a little sweetie... and where is that splash park??? I wanna go.. Addie would have a party.. maybe we'll have to plan another girl'/kids day.