Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Morning

Easter morning was a little interesting. The "Easter Bunny" had everything set up nicely for the kids to find the next morning. What the EB didn't expect was one little girl to wake up at 4AM and find all the goods. We were woken up to an odd sound coming down the hall - Reese riding her new scooter down the hall. Remember this was at 4. It didn't end there though... when we got up to see what was going on Reese had already helped herself to everyone's Easter goods which were scattered all over her room: she had opened Bambi and it was already playing in the DVD player, Boston's puppy was snuggled up in her bed, and she was trying to get Todd to wake up and put some PEZ in her dispenser. So we got everything back where it was supposed to be in it's proper basket and sent her back to bed.
The reassembled baskets.
The picture the EB snagged the night before. The kids loot. Boston: a puppy, bubbles, books, a little duck, and some candy. Reese: scooter, books, Bambi, Easter skirt and shirt, little bunny and some candy.
Mom and Dad's loot. Mom: new swimsuit, cook book, and some candy. Dad: new shirt, itunes card, and some candy.

Naturally I forgot to take a picture of the kids in their Easter outfits. Oh well.

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