Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yesterday we went up the South East Idaho State Fair. We do it every year. It was quite nice. We headed up in the morning. There were hardly any people there (besides a lot of senior citizens), and it wasn't too hot. We strolled around looking at a few of the exhibits and a lot of animals. We stuffed ourselves with fair food. Todd even tried a bulls-eye burger - which uses a glazed donut as the the bun - healthy huh! Boston loved sitting on some of the old tractors best.
Today Reese had her first day of dance class. She's in a combo class that does ballet and tap. She was a bit hesitant before we left but once we were there in the studio she couldn't help but smile. She had a great time. We tried to get her to show us what she learned but all we got out of her were a few stretches they did.
A week or so ago we went up to Blackfoot and met daddy for lunch at the park.

Boston hates swings... strange kid.

A bit of additional news. We will be closing on our first house next week. We couldn't be more excited. We started looking a couple months ago and it was pretty slim pick-in's. We actually put in an offer on this house 2 months ago but they were being pretty stingy on their price. Well what do you know 2 months later they had to drop their price (to what we originally offered) and we snatched it right up. It needs a bit of work. Paint!!! The interior is painted the most horrendous colors imaginable. We'll also be replacing all of the interior doors right a way- since they are older and pretty banged up. The house is in a really nice area with a nice big fenced back yard. It has 4 bedrooms but there are 2 up and 2 down so the kids will be sharing a room for a while until I dare let Reese be downstairs alone. Which probably won't be for a while. So instead they'll sleep up stairs together and we'll have a room downstairs just for toys. I hope that means that all of their messes will stay downstairs and we'll have a nice upstairs. Highly unlikely I'm sure. I'll get pictures as soon as we get keys and get a little work done.


The Bee Family said...

Once again I cannot believe how big your kids are getting! They are so cute! Looks like the fair was fun and the rodeo...I miss those things. Super excited about your house too-make sure you take some before pictures as well!

Erica Bazil said...

Oh, you gotta' love the fair and yes the fair food is so unhealthy but so scrumptous! I can't go to a fair and not get the cotton candy!
So exciting about your house! I'm sure you'll have it done up to perfection in no time. You're amazing at your talents and gifts of decor. So is it in Pocatello? Can't wait to see pictures soon.

Dan n' Josie said...

Hi Kim could you please tell me how you get cute text instead of just stupid old plain text, now don't forget, text me ok by. Oh and your kids are super cute!

Dan n' Josie said...

Kim, please make me a skirt like the one in the next post, it is SOOO cute, ok thanks by.