Sunday, August 26, 2012

Colter Bay

 We had our annual girls trip to Yellowstone a couple of weeks ago- Reese, myself, my mother, and my grandmother. We changed it up a bit this year and actually stayed in Colter Bay the entire time. We stayed in small cabin. Reese and I were fortunate enough to share a single bed. We spent a lot of our time down on the lake playing and relaxing. So I mentioned it was a girls trip. Well we were having such a good time I kept thinking how fun it would be to have Todd and Boston there too. So I called him up and had them pack up our tent and other necessities and come stay the last night there with us.
 We went for a walk around the bay. Boston had a lot of fun throwing rocks, a favorite pastime of his.
 We saw some neat animals on our walk.

 Our tent back at camp.
 Even Jewel (her doll) went for a dip.
 We had deer walking through our campsite everyday. When Boston saw a deer he crept up as close as he could and yelled, "Boo!"
 Reese was excited to use the raft.

 Throwing rocks yet again.
 Taking a break on our walk.
 Boston liked seeing all the boats in the bay.
 Spectacular view of the Tetons.
When we passed through Jackson on our way to Colter Bay we saw these guys cooling off.

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