Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1st Swim Lessons

 Reese and Boston took their first swim lesson this summer.

 They were both pretty nervous, especially Boston.
 Reese and Boston loved having their new Aunt Kari and her mom Paige as their swim teachers. They were so kind and encouraging.
It's amazing the difference two weeks make. Reese was fearless! She was diving for rings and jumping off the diving board without her life jacket. Boston wasn't quite as brave but he finally warmed up to floating around the pool in his life jacket, instead of sitting on the stairs. Boston even loved jumping off the diving board while wearing his life jacket, but only after he found out you can yell "Cannon Ball" while jumping off. The first few days of swim lessons the kids would cry about having to go (because they had to float on their backs), and now they can't wait for swim lessons to start next summer.

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