Saturday, August 2, 2014

Rodeo Weekend

 It's that time of year again! That "Famous Preston Night Rodeo" Weekend. However, this is the first year we didn't make it to the actual rodeo and only enjoyed the other festivities the weekend has to offer. The kids always have a blast because they are able to get together with all of their cousins.

The fun kids carnival at the hospital. There are lots of fun booths for the kids, horse rides, bounce house, and even a train ride.

Reese and Addie riding the train (I may have stole a couple pictures off another blog because for some reason I didn't take very many).
 Riding double on the horse. Boston also rode but I didn't get a picture in time.
 Boston riding the train.
Cousins anxiously awaiting the parade's arrival! Boston, Dylan, Reese, Brooklynn, Remy and Gavin.
Ready for the carnival. Reese below: bummed the caterpillar ride was over.

Video: Boston, Brooklynn, and Reese riding the big yellow slide (Boston's favorite).

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