Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Results Are In...

So we found out today that Reese made it to the semi-finals at the wal-mart baby contest. LAME!!! I know every mother believes their child to be the cutest thing on the face of the earth... but come on she's at least the cutest baby in Pocatello. Whatever... we did get a (cheesy) magnetic picture frame for the fridge... so at least we didn't go home empty handed.

Bought a jogging stroller today -- hopefully it warms up a bit to put it to good use and get rid of this spare tire around my waist. Ok my body isn't in horrible shape... but I do miss having a waistline. Locked up for the last 2 months in our basement apartment hasn't done my body good... apparently sitting on the couch all day holding and playing with an infant doesn't burn that many calories. I admit I was taking it pretty easy on my maternity leave...

Also today I made my poor baby bleed. So I was trimming her finger nails and she moved and I took a hunk out of her poor finger. Seriously my heart was broken when she started crying... (I almost cried- since it was my fault) - she was easily comforted and only cried for 60 seconds or so and then fell asleep. Hopefully it is that easy later next week when she goes in for her shots... I am not looking forward to hearing her scream in pain. Naturally I want to do all I can to keep her happy.


Megan said...

Well, I think she's the cutest baby I've seen in Pocatello! :) You should still be proud. I think you are brave...I wouldn't have enough guts to do it because I'm afraid everyone will think my baby is ugly! (And its not even here yet! :)

The Bee Family said...

Kim- Of course she'd hit semi-finals she's such a doll! We really do miss you guys.
I hate cutting Sadie's nails because I know that's exactly what's going to happen. But don't you think it's crazy how it's times like that when you just really feel how much you love them. And seriously when you hear them cry in pain (because now you have learned to tell their cries apart which is really just insane!) it really does break your heart! But don't worry she still loves you! I think Sadie thinks I'm mean because now I make her cry herself to sleep sometimes and that makes me feel awful!

Tina said...

Oh she is a doll, way cuter then dumb wallmart gives her credit for. I am the same way with the cutters, not fun I now let them get way to long just because I hate cutting them.

The Bee Family said...

Hey I forgot to tell you how gorgeous you're looking. Seriously don't be so hard on yourself! You just had a baby 2 months ago, and seriously you look AWSOME!

The Bee Family said...

What the heck I just realized something I thought semi-finals meant that they were still choosing among the mean they are done and she didn't win? What the heck that's retarted! She's to dang cute!
P.S. sorry I always leave you a thousand comments!

Candi said...

UGHH, I did the same thing to Annagrace. She cried then fell right back to sleep, but not before getting blood on everything which made me sick. Knowing that I made my baby bleed!! But then that led to a whole new drama ... I put a bandaid on her finger that "disappeared" a few hours later. I thought she had swallowed it and I freaked out!! I found the bandaid under the ottoman 10 minutes later.