Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some fun and not so fun in the sun

So yesterday Todd had most of the day off so we tried to make the most of it by going to the park. Rexburg does have a big nice city park (one of it's only pros) with a playground, carousel, and water splash park. We started our trip off with the splash park. The day before when Reese and I were at the park she kept wanting to go over and check out the splash park. I only let her stick her hand in the fountains of water since she wasn't really dressed to get any wetter. One of the few smiles of the day. Riding the carousel with daddy.
Yes Reese has hair like me, zero curl! This is what it looks a lot of the time... all over crazy and stick straight. Ok, not usually that bad (this was after playing in the water).

This is what she looked like majority of the time while we were playing at the splash park. She wanted to be the held the whole time and when she wasn't being held she was crying. I don't know how we raised such a sissy... when the day before she was so excited to play there. The water was a little cold, but not unbearable.

Yes more unhappy faces.
1/2 a smile... but of course only while she was held.

So that's this week...

Also the last 2 nights Reese has woken up in the middle of the night wide awake wanting to play (Monday night-midnight, last night 3 AM!!). Not so funny. It's driving me crazy. Why isn't she sleeping. It probably has a lot to do with being sick (she had a horrible sleeping schedule) and the weekend we were out of town staying out too late. Hopefully tonight she is back to normal... I can't handle it.


Candi said...

What an awesome park!! Her swimsuit is so cute! We have to find a pool close to our house that we can invade every day. There is one close to my mom but I don't want to drive there everyday!

Megan said...

The splash park looks like fun, sorry Reese wasn't happy...I do like the pictures you took though of her grumpy faces! :)