Monday, August 3, 2009


So this past week Todd, Reese and I were out of town. Yes all of us together, finally! Todd was finally able to take some time off work so we could have some-what-of a vacation. We started off Wednesday stopping in Downey the first day to spend some time with Todd's family. The next night was the first day of Preston's Famous Night Rodeo Weekend. Everyday there is a parade, carnival, rodeo and sidewalk sales. Thursday we spent the afternoon in Logan meeting up with old friends for lunch and later we did go to the parade. Reese spent most of the time on one of our laps - since she was a little too scared to run around and pick up the candy. She loved all the horses and waved at the pretty girls riding on the floats. Later that night after putting Reese to bed Todd and I made our way to Logan again to go out to a movie. It's usually 6 months between each movie we get to see at the theatre. We of course saw Harry Potter. My mom's house was a little crowded this weekend so she brought down my grandma's trailer for us to sleep in, the closest thing to camping we will probably do all year. Sittin with Grandma waiting for the parade to start.
Reese and Ethan.

Ethan (who constantly wanted me to take pictures of every silly face he could think of).

Dylan wearing Reese's pink cowboy hat and drinking a coke. This is what his father gets for dropping him off in grandma's care (no worries the can really was empty, but he liked wearing the PINK hat)

Our little cowgirl decked out in full garb. Hat, button up, wranglers, and boots.
Friday we spent a good part of the morning helping my brother and his family move into their new house. Later that afternoon we hit the sidewalk sales (which were very unexciting - unless you are looking for jewelry or girls hair bows - because that's all there was at every other booth). We watched the parade again, had yummy dinner at grandma Nan's house and then Todd and I went to the Rodeo (which we do every year). We decided to leave Reese at home with Grandma and not take her to the rodeo - since lately she hasn't behaved too well at public functions - she is one independent lady.
Saturday was another lazy day. We had a nice BBQ with my old high school chum Ashley and we were able to catch up. We did go to the third and final night of the parade and made a lap around the carnival to snag at least a bag of cotton candy. Sunday morning we headed back to Downey and went to church with Todd's family, had dinner, stopped in Pocatello on our way home to visit Amanda and Shawn and finally made it home last night. It all went by too fast! Now were back in Rexburg and Todd is back to work. I don't know if I've mentioned that Todd doesn't have school this semester so I will at least see him in the mornings everyday for the next 5 months! Woo Hoo!!
Also I did have as Dr.'s appt a few weeks ago and everything is looking good so far. We had an ultrasound but just to tell how far along I was for sure. Due date set for February 4th. I do have pics and a video from the ultrasound but haven't got around to scanning anything yet, but I promise there is a baby growing in me. So after the appointment it's feeling a little more real and I don't feel like poo for nothing.


Megan said...

You are the second person I know due on Feb. 4th! I just thought I'd through that out there....anyway, Reese makes a way cute cowgirl! I feel so bad we weren't able to make it home for Rodeo weekend, I would have loved to see everyone. Thanks for the BBQ invite though, I really appreciate it. Glad you all had a good time! :)

The Bee Family said...

Aaaah man cotton candy that was one of the main reasons I was bummed I had to miss rodeo! I'm so glad your ultra sound went good. And I'm assuming there is only one :)

ksleightfam said...

Oh Kim, you are so funny! Your blog cracks me up! Wow, Reese is quite the cute little cowgirl, i was waiting to see her mom in her cowgirl grub too, but NO PICTURES??? come on kimmy!!! ha ha, just kidding. I feel bad we missed out, hopefully we can get together soon! I'm so excited for you guys, and your next one!!