Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Month

So it's actually been nearly 6 weeks since we brought little Boston home. He had his one month checkup this past week and he's already up to a whopping 12lbs 3oz (8lbs 11oz at birth). He's in the 90th percentile for both weight and height (so was Reese at every appointment). I guess we just grow em' big. He's starting to smile and coo when you talk to him. He's a wiggly little guy and it always trying to climb or push off you with his little legs. He also has quite the appetite! He just eats and eats and eats (which probably explains his size). Like Reese he spits up a lot - I know what you're thinking -- he's probably got too much in his tummy -- well you try and take the bottle away from him! So we just have a couple clothing changes throughout the day. For the most part he's pretty easy going throughout the day -except around 10 or 11 at night he's really grumpy for an hour or so (fighting sleep I think) and is only comforted by being held while walking around the house. He still doesn't quite have days and nights figured out. Every other night he usually wakes up and 2 in the morning and thinks it's time to be awake. Todd and I are doing our best to share the night time shift so we can both get a few consecutive hours of sleep. He refuses to sleep in his bed in our room, so we are usually cuddling up with him on the couch or he sleeps in his little bouncer. I'll be glad when the sleeping madness is over. It was almost the exact same with Reese. She refused to sleep in her bassinet at first and would only sleep in the bouncer. I think by 2 months she was sleeping through the night and in our room -- so hopefully it works out the same with Boston.

Not too much else going on in the Welch household. I need to get going on potty training Reese. I'm not going to lie - I'm avoiding it. I just need to get going on it. We have taken her binkie away. We still allow her to have it at night to go to sleep, but at least she's not having it in her mouth all day. We tried taking it away at night first and just have her go cold turkey but that was a nightmare (and I felt really sorry for our neighbors) -- so hopefully we'll just be able to ease it away from her at night. We should have taken it away a long time ago! I suppose the first child is the guinea pig... right? Well it's way past my bedtime so I'm off to bed.


The Bee Family said...

Holy CRAP! Can't believe he's that old already...but I guess thats right. His blessing day looks like it went nicely and that alot of family was still able to make it. that's awsome. You're little family is sure cute. Good luck with the potty training Sadie has actually been doing pretty good the first few days were a nightmare...but it's not so bad right now. Anyway miss you guys. Keep us updated on things!

Heather said...

I hope you start getting some sleep soon. Clara slept in her car seat until she was 5 months old! Let me know how potty training goes because that's something I'm dreading too.

ksleightfam said...

Wow, i can't believe it has been 6 weeks!! I love the pic of you and him together! So adorable!! I completely understand about the throw up, Konner was the same way. Sometimes i wondered why we even tried to feed him, cuz it all came up afterwards!!! I always had to carry 2-3 extra outfits for him, and an extra for me!! Your family is cute!

Kimmie said...

oh my goodness reese is getting so stinking cute! can't wait to see pics of baby boy as he grows. (does he have a nickname?)