Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk Or Treating

Saturday we went down to Downey for the Trunk-or-Treat. We also invited my mom up (who brought my niece and nephew). My mom's ward doesn't do a trunk-or-treat anymore and we wanted to make sure she saw Reese in her costume (that my mom mostly made). We thought the TOT started at 6:30 and at about 5:58 we found out it started at 6:00. You know these things last 20-30 minutes at the most - especially since it was pretty cold. So we quickly got the kids ready and loaded up in the car. So Reese's hair never got done all "princess like" - oh well. Her hair was all pretty when we went to our ward party so that will just have to do. Above: Mason, Brooklynn, Reese and the 2 grandmas.
Idiot me forgot Reese's coat and her dress doesn't isn't the warmest thing in the world. She is wearing leggings and a shirt underneath - good thing we were only there 25 minutes.
Dad, Boston, and Reese hitting up all the cars. Reese is a really slow trunk or treater... Mason and Brook kept having to stop and wait for her. It didn't help that at one of the cars a guy had a bucket that had hand inside that grabbed you when you reach in for candy - Reese was pretty hesitant at every bucket after that.
On the way home with all of her loot. She probably only likes 15% of the candy she got (she doesn't like chocolate) - so it's nice I won't have to worry about her getting on too big of a sugar high and getting sick.
Todd just toted Boston along. Next year he'll be able to trunk or treat. After the trunk or treat all of us went to Flags West for some dinner. It was a pretty fun night.


The Bee Family said...

WOW! Reese made off with some serious candy! Hahah they both look super cute!

Tina said...

Oh I like her dress! Sadie would love it!! If you go the Preston You can go pick up the wall.e getout! I took it there then he didn't even wear it! Im sure they will just trash it!

Tucker had a dino outfit that I guess to Ethan was cooler.. Glad I spent the time making it!! And it made Sadie look dumb no-one knew what she was without wall.e there!