Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dusted off the camera...

A week or so ago on Todd's day off we made a little trip to Idaho Falls. We did some shopping, had a great lunch at Famous Daves, and went to the BODIES exhibit. Reese has been obsessed with skeletons lately. I kept debating whether or not it might freak a 3 year old out. We actually had decided earlier that day not to go, but when we were on our way to the restaurant for lunch we passed a big billboard display with a picture of the exhibit and Reese quickly remembered - so we ended up going because she was so excited. She ended up really liking it and asked A LOT of questions. Mostly "What's that?" The exhibit was really neat and there were a lot of people there. We weren't able to stop and read about every little thing since we had both kids with us. It was so interesting to see how complex the human body is. I would highly recommend this to anyone.
So the other day I was perusing the internet and I came across the Children's Book of the Month Club. I love childrens books, and I'd rather buy books that toys for my kids. So I took a chance on it and ordered some books. I ended up getting 20 brand new hardcover books for about $60-$65. About $3 per book. With their introductory offer you can get 6 books for $2 and 2 more for $4 a piece. When I chose my books I picked as many as I could find that came in sets of 2 or 3. So my introductory order I got 15 books total ($11 for the books at a whopping $20 for shipping [note that isn't the price for shipping every time just the intro order]). As part of the agreement you have to buy 2 more books within the next year. They had a buy 1 get 1 free sale with 2.49 shipping and I picked up my additional books then. So I fulfilled my agreement. Hopefully that all makes sense. I'm tempted to sign up under Todd's name now to get some more at a later time. Books are too fun - I could get carried away. So much more worth the money than buying toys - in my opinion.

So we're actually keeping these books stored in a box in our closet as a reward for Reese going #2 in the potty. She desperately wants Llama Llama Red Pajama - but she's not even allowed to touch it unless she poops in the potty. Potty training has to be the stupidest thing ever... Reese is awesome at going #1 in the potty but everyday she poops her pants and it's SO FRUSTRATING!! I know she knows that she has to go but runs and hides every time instead of going in the potty. We've been trying to stay positive but it's waring my patience very thin. So any magical advice someone has would be great. Note: none of the following works, giving her a diaper to poop in, cutting holes in diaper and having her sit on potty (she won't even go near diapers any more and insists that she is a big girl), sticker charts, treat rewards (any reward for that fact) --- blah! Help!! What would super nanny do?
The other day when we were in Jo-Ann's Reese found a magnifying glass in the dollar section. When we got home she found a "detective coat" and briefcase and went around the house looking for clues.
This last Sunday was March Birthday dinner time. We have 6 family birthday that fall in March. So we just combine them all into one get together. Reese was so excited to see all her cousins. She'd been talking about days before. On the way up she kept telling us how she loved Brookie (her cousin about 10 months older than her). They all had a blast! There are 8 grand kids between the ages of 6 and 3 months. So you can imagine the madness. Above: they each took turns being buried under couch pillows and then all the other grand kids would climb on top. Not quite sure how that might be fun, but they sure seemed to enjoy themselves.
Brooke and Boston.
Boston reaching for the grapes. I can't even tell you how much this kid eats. He probably ate a whole bag of grapes. Plus a handful of pickles, cucumbers, and then dinner on top of that.

Trouble makers.


Erica Bazil said...

I need to get my camera out too!

We used to give Cash those Hot Wheels cars each time he pooped in the toilet because he was unsure about doing that, even though he was great at peeing in the toilet - like Reese - and it worked! Maybe you'll have better luck with the books too! Hope so. I know it feels like forever that they are in this stage but "this too shall pass" and you'll be SO glad when it does I'm sure!

The Bee Family said...

Totally agree on the books being better than toys thing. We absolutely LOVE books at our house, I will have to look into that book club thing. Miss you guys and am planning on hanging out in April so save me sometime!

Marilyn said...

When my kids were in school, we ordered books from Scholastic books, Troll and other companies. They are beaucoup cheap. I'm sure you know some school age kids that you can order with. I got all the Lemony Snicket books for $3.00 (paperback). You can only buy those in hardback for $10.00 at the book stores. Some book clubs have an online ordering option for the class. You just need to know the teacher's name. Check into it.

Unknown said...

they both adorable.