Friday, March 18, 2011

Not much to post about...

Hey all... So not much has been going on around here lately. I know it's been a month since my last post but I don't think I've even taken one picture of the kids. Sad I know. It's starting to warm up a bit lately so maybe we'll actually head out doors soon and snap a few.
Lately I've been trying to justify the amount of television I watch at night by at least being productive during the shows. I made a blanket for my friends baby shower, a pillowcase for Reese's friend's birthday (the picture only shows it partially done - and yes I know it's kind of boyish - but they didn't have any girly Toy Story fabric - which she loves), and I made a skirt for Reese (I'll take a picture of that when Reese is wearing it). I slowly trying to improve my sewing skills. Pretty basic stuff - but it's kind of fun to work on. So if anyone knows of any cute (simple) sewing projects feel free to pass it along. I have a box full of fabric that needs to be used. I am such a sucker for cute fabric. I buy a yard here and there with no specific project in mind -- so I need to start using my stash -- so I'm not just a fabric hoarder. The next project I want to try is using a skip stitch blade for my rotary cutter. I already suggested Todd put one in my Easter basket. It's just a blade that makes little holes in your fleece so you can crochet around the edges. Another thing I need to work on - crocheting! My mother and grandmother have quite a knack for it - I on the other hand cannot hold the yarn right for the life of me. I end up holding it all screwy and get major cramps in my hand after 5 minutes - not to mention the inconsistency in my yarn tightness. So yeah that was kind of a boring post -- hopefully more excitement next time. Monday I want to go to the Museum in Idaho Falls to see the bodies exhibit. It looks kind of interesting -- and Reese thinks skeletons are kind of cool - weird child I know.


The Bee Family said...

Not weird just cool. Haha I'm so jealous of all your sewing! I need to get off my butt and get something done!! Help motivate me!

Marilyn said...

I'm Zinda's VT companion. I love to read about those adorable kids of yours. As to the crocheting though, they make a yarn holder that fits on your finger and keeps the tension. You might try to find one.

Dan n' Josie said...

I know a great project. Bray really loves cute pillow cases with her name on it. I mean, she totally asked for one when she saw addies. It was nuts because usually she doesn't say a word. ha ha as far as crocheting goes, I know how to crochet, I can teach you how to hold your yarn.