Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be My Valentine

We had a great Valentines yesterday! Minus the fact that I had to work most of the day. We started off pretty early 7 or so and Todd made a french toast breakfast for the family and the kids opened their goodie bags.

I decided to make these bags Saturday. So of course it was a mad rush Sunday night trying to get them finished. They didn't turn out too bad. Reese's was my first one so of course it's the one with all the mistakes. (It's too big, the fabric on the flap is going the wrong direction, and there's a giant pen line across the piece of fabric - oh well). Boston's turned out perfect - it was just the right size and it came together nicely. One thing I will change if I ever decide to make them over is assemble the felt bag portion and then sew on the letter. I sewed on the letters first and then assembled. It was hard getting everything centered. I didn't really use a pattern. I followed some directions from a diaper bag tutorial on makeit-loveit.com but made some obvious changes. I watched a youtube clip to learn how to do a blanket stitch to attach my initials. It was a fun little project.
Reese's loot: Sticker activity book, Little Critter Valentine book, Fancy Nancy Valentine book, a Valentine shirt, and some treats.
Boston's Loot: Set of Elmo mini books, Valentine shirt, and Elmo movie.

1 comment:

The Marshall's said...

I wish I had your cute ideas for sewing! I'm trying to do the same thing...I need to be more crafty rather than watch tv or sit on the computer and look at blogs!