Tuesday, December 18, 2007

false alarm....

so yesterday morning at around six am it felt like my water broke and for the rest of the morning I was feeling super crampy and had some back pains... and we were hoping something was finally happening... well we went to the dr. and my water didn't break... and nothing is happening. I'm not dilating or anything... she is too comfortable where she's at... meanwhile her mother is going crazy... but I have another appt on thursday everyone say your prayers that something will have progressed by then... I do not want to be in the hospital on christmas even though it's looking that way... COME OUT BABY!!! sorry you have to hear all the mad rantings of a woman who no longer wants to be pregnant... it's not fun anymore...


Ash said...

Oh MAN! I'm sorry! I've been thinking about you a lot the last couple of days--I don't know why, but I was hoping you were having that darling girl of yours. I remember when I was pg the first 2 times...I had pre-term labor for a month before I got induced with Brooklyn and with Ethan I was just plain miserable...My doctor--like yours said she'd give me an induction date...then changed her mind. I cried after that one for a while... I hope little Reese will change her mind and get out! I don't know if you'd want to do this, but with Ethan, I only spent the mandatory 24 hours in the hospital--it was nice to be home, but sucked that I didn't have people to make food for me, etc. Just a suggestion.

Candi said...

I know you are ready for Reese to come, but the upside - if she is late you can still travel a little for Christmas! And, like my Dr. said, it is better for the first one to come naturally b/c 1/3 of all inducations end up in C-section - LIKE ME!! I didn't mind though. I'm sure my incision didn't hurt nearly as bad as the other option!