Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've been a slacker lately I know...

Trying to take pictures lately has been quite the task... she is always trying to grab the camera which just makes it extremely difficult and extremely close up.
This past week Reese, my friend Josie and I traveled to Boise to spend some time with our good buddies Kate and Sadie. From about the moment we walked in the door the little girls went crazy playing with each other. They were constantly screaming, laughing, (destroying the house), and just loving each other's company. I have never seen Reese have sooo much fun. They chased each other around the house, shared snacks and played funny little games with each other. Sadie is only a few months older so they got along really well and it had been a while since they were able to play together.
Above: Reese trying to share Sadie's chair.

They corned themselves in the kitchen for quite some time, chattering and eating crackers. Sadie took the liberty to feed them to Reese --


Josie reading a story to the wild children.

Notice Reese's fist full of crackers... hopefully Sadie was able to snag a few before they were scarfed down. The concept of 'sharing' isn't understood quite yet.
We had a nice time in Boise -- hanging out, celebrating Kate's birthday and of course shopping!! I did find a new swimsuit for Reese -- yeah! On our way to Boise we did stop in Twin Falls to grab some lunch and meet up with my friend Kallie who used to work with me in Pocatello and moved away a couple years ago. She also has a little girl about Reese's age. Reese was very social, almost overbearing to everyone she came in contact with in the restaurant. It was a nice little trip minus the four and half hour drive there and back. I was very happy with how Reese handled the trip it was the longest she has been in the car at one time.
Reese was sooo happy to see her daddy when we got home. She was so hyper and giggly the rest of the night. I'm glad we were able to get away for a couple days. I am also very grateful that we had a safe trip. Thanks Kate for letting us come crash at your house!

1 comment:

Heather said...

It sounds like Reese has quite a personality! Sounds like you had a fun trip...