Monday, March 23, 2009

Not much of a blogger lately...

I know... I know -- I was doing so good at keeping this updated fairly often, but I sank into some sort of shlump. For those of you who might also look at my photography blog you'll know this picture isn't anything new (in fact it's like 2 weeks old). I haven't really been taking pictures too often or really doing much of anything lately. The weather was nice for most of the week last week and Reese and I were able to go out for a walk almost everyday. As you can tell from the picture Reese wasn't too thrilled to be playing in the, still covered with snow, park near our house. We are confined again to the house since this weekend brought snow, rain and wind. I'll be glad when Spring actually shows her face around this part of Idaho (Spring keeps playing peek-a-boo with my emotions and it's not too funny)!

So since we've been up here I haven't had to work at all. I'm still listed on Downeast's payroll but just as a call in and finally I was needed last week to work for a few hours. It was nice to have a break from my daily routine of living in my PJ's all day and actually put some makeup on and visit the outside world and interact with adults. I still like not having to work full time but it's nice to get out every once in a while. I get to work a few hours later this week too.
Last Thursday I was on my way to go get some groceries and I was stopping at a red light and some reckless high schooler totally rammed into the back of my Altima. I was soo annoyed. I should be grateful that Reese wasn't with me and that I'm fine, and that everything will be covered by her insurance -- but freak it's soo annoying! This is the second time in the two years we've had this car that it's been ran into. It's such a pain to do the insurance claims, deal with rental car, and wait for everything to get fixed. It's just annoying like I said twice already.
Not much else on the Agenda... we did go down and see my friend Amanda's new baby this weekend and she was so stinking cute. It's been a while since I've held a brand new baby -- there's nothing like it. Next weekend we plan to head south and visit our families so maybe I'll have something to document then.
At least now you see why I haven't really posted anything lately... there just hasn't been anything to post.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sorry, I haven't commented lately, I've been super busy (thus my lack of posting on the photo blog!) I'm sorry to hear about your vehicle, hope it all works out okay! :)