Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Calling...

So I forgot I mentioned that last week the Bishop had stopped by and informed me to meet with him the next morning about a calling he had for me. I am the 'New Mother's Specialist.' I'm not 100% sure what all that entails -- since this calling didn't really exist in our other ward. However, since we live in Rexburg (plentiful of new mothers) there are like 7-8 due this next month or so. I'm still waiting to talk to the Relief Society Presidency to see what exactly I need to be doing. What I gathered from the Bishop is that I am resource to new mothers since I have "experience." Yeah, I'm such an expert (sarcasm). Anyways... so I was thinking about compiling a binder or something that was tabbed off into groups like Health & Welfare, Community, Activities/Crafts, and Inspiration and just passing around this binder each week filling it full of helpful printed info that they can take if they choose. So I'm asking all those mothers out there who read this to go ahead and give me any other ideas they can think of. If there are any websites you visit often that has helpful information or if you just want to provide tidbits of being a mother or whatever. Even though it wasn't that long ago I can't remember what would have been helpful for me as a new mother. So this is a cry for help. Or if anyone knows of this calling in their ward -- what am I supposed to do?

1 comment:

Candi said...

It sounds like you are in a ward with more members than they know what to do with. So, they made up a calling for you. =) I think its funny, I've NEVER heard of such a calling! I don't know that you need to make handouts for them. I would think it has more to do with making sure their families are taken care of at the time of birth, i.e. food and visitors at home and the hospital.