Ok this is kind dumb but today after I got off work Reese and I went to the big city park. Reese
miraculously was brave and was climbing all over the place. She was super excited to be around all these other kids and sometimes would just sit in the way and watch everyone else got by. Anyway there are two jungle gyms at the park one that is obviously for older kids and one for like 2 and under. So I made her go over and play on the littler one since she kept kind of being in the way of the bigger kids. So she's over playing on the other jungle gym not in anybodies way and there is this little boy, he was probably 3 (who was also trying to
intentionally step on Reese's hands while on the bigger jungle gym) who was viciously kicking Reese in the chest while she was sitting there on the equipment. She wasn't in his way and he kept doing it until I could get over there. His mother was no where near while this was happening --- and I feel it's odd to scold
someone else's child. So I just ran over there and told him politely to not kick as Reese is bawling. I rescue her and his mother shows up and apologizes to me (although I felt as though her son should apologize to Reese). The lady however didn't say anything about his behavior while we were there like "you shouldn't kick other people, or kick at all." I'm curious to know where he learned this behavior anyways (like I said he was viciously kicking her -- not like normal kids pounding on each other). Anyways I was just annoyed (and I'm easily annoyed when it comes to peoples manners at the park). My major annoyance is children of an
inappropriate age playing on the equipment. I just don't feel comfortable saying anything to other people's kids. I know this sounds stupid - but that was all. Anyone have any similar experiences... I just hate