Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ok so finally here are some new pictures. I actually took a few when we went down to the fireworks in Idaho Falls. I was excited to see how Reese was going to respond this year since last year she was barely 6 months and she fell asleep during the all the excitement. Even though we didn't even leave Rexburg until it was Reese's bedtime (since Todd had to work) she was still wide awake for the evenings events. We had a few friends saving us a spot down by the river so the major obstacle of the evening was trying to find a parking space within walking distance. Oddly enough we found one fairly close and by that I mean across the river from where we would be sitting, across a main road back in some ally behind some businesses. It was only like a 15 minute walk so not too bad considering how late we got down there.
Reese loved all the excitement surrounding her. There were soooo many people... seriously you can barely see the grass because of all the people. She got to eat junk food and we were sitting fairly close to a 4th of July concert thing so she got to dance to some music until the fireworks started. Once the fireworks finally started she Oood and Awwwd for about 15 minutes then she was busy doing other things like finding more treats, jumping from one lap to the next and of course some more dancing. She was having a blast. She wasn't scared by the fireworks at all.

Before settling down in our spot we went down by the river to look at all the ducks and geese.

Our nerdy little family of 3 -- next 4th we'll be a family of 4!!! Crazy!
It only took us a half hour to get from our parking space back onto the road! Which is like 3 times faster than last year! Traffic is backed up like crazy. Last year we were stuck in one spot for like an hour and Reese was screaming her head off and Todd and I were both really frustrated. However, this year Reese fell asleep as soon as she was in her chair. We had a good night.

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