Monday, March 29, 2010

Lazy Sunday

So I don't really have anything to post -- things were pretty chill today. Went to church (which I should have taken pics of the kids in their new Easter/Spring outfits-but we were in such a mad rush to get out the door on time that it didn't even cross my mind). After church had some lunch and then Reese, Boston and I all took a nap. Todd unfortunately had to work on his 10 page paper due tomorrow and the worst thing possible happened-- he had it pretty much done and was just going to go through and fine tune it when he noticed it didn't get saved from the last time he worked on it - so he had so redo all the work he'd done on Thursday (5 pages)!! Poor guy!

Home Teachers came over, then we had some dinner and then Reese, Boston and I chilled on the floor and watched Cars. I was trying to take a cute pic of those two but Reese was acting silly and wouldn't pose for the camera.
Our little guy is growing, growing, growing... he's already out grown a lot of his 3 month clothes and is on to some 6 months -- the pj's he's wearing here are 6 months! Hello he's not even 2 months old yet!!!
Our happy funny boy. He just loves when you talk to him.
Reese is getting really excited for Easter. For some reason she thinks she is getting a new bike! A few weeks ago we were down to my grandma's and all the neighbor kids had little trikes and she was pretty jealous and ever since then it's been non-stop bike talk. I guess we'll just have to see what the Easter bunny brings (the Easter bunny may have one already picked out and hiding in the trunk). We'll need to do some egg coloring sometime this week too, and then there is the city egg hunt on Saturday morning. It's at 9 AM so hopefully we can get our lazy butts up and out the door to make it to the hunt in time -- I would be so mad at myself if we missed it.

1 comment:

The Bee Family said...

Oh no kidding! Our city had theres this last Saterday and we were doing a yardsale. Why would they have it a week early? now i've got to see what the surrounding cities are up to. How fun a new bike! She'll love it. And I seriously can't get over how fast Boston is growing!