Monday, September 20, 2010

Here and there...

Last weekend we went down to Brigham City for Peach Days. We went to the parade (I swear the longest parade in the world - ok not really but it was really long), and then we went back to Grandma Roxcy's for lunch and Peach Pie. Above: I'm pretty sure Reese waved at every single float that went by.
Reese and some of her loot.
Playing Peek-a-boo with Bos.

One day Reese kept dancing and twirling around and every time she would land on the ground and do this little pose.
Boston wanted some toys apparently.
The other night Todd had his first "Back to School Night." Reese really wanted to see Daddy's school and his classroom. Luckily there weren't too many parents that showed up so we were able to spend some time with Daddy.


Heather said...

Boston is getting so old! I love Reese's football uniform/tutu combo.

Dan n' Josie said...

Look at todd, all grown up at his job. Boston is so stinkin cute!!! I can't believe how big he is. Reese is pretty darn cute too, but the way, you be taking that pic of me off, the one at my house!!