Monday, February 13, 2012


Reese got this fun Art Easel for Christmas from Todd's parents. We've got it set up in the kitchen and the kids absolutely love it. Multiple time during the day they'll stop and draw a few things. Boston has been getting in trouble A LOT (seriously every single day) for coloring on things that he's not supposed to. Today, I cleaned dry erase crayons off every one of my new couch cushions. (Above: Reese painting some R's - the first few were backwards but she's figured it out now).
The kids weren't the only ones to benefit from the new toy. As if this cat needs another place to lounge. He's turned into a lazy cat. The kitten phase has almost out grown him, except at about midnight when he decides it's time to run around like a maniac.
This was on a different day. Reese painted a picture of a snowman for Grandma, so we snapped a picture on my phone and sent it to her.
The perfect form for the perfect stroke.

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