Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

The kids were excited to see a surprise waiting for them this morning. (We actually had to tie the streamers off to the side so the cat wouldn't attack them during the night).
Fun things: Each got a heart shaped plate, valentine cup, new shirt, bubbles, treats, milk straws, and a toy. Reese: a new Lalaloopsy and Boston got the Winnie the Pooh movie.

Breakfast: Heart shaped homemade poptarts, strawberries, and heart shaped pancakes.
Blowing some bubbles.
Heart shaped cinnamon rolls.
Strawberry poptarts.
The "heart" shaped breadsticks to go with our heart shaped pizza. They didn't look to heart-ish, but they still tasted good.
Modeling the new V-day shirt and haircut.

The cutest Valentines Ever!

Yum! Heart shaped fruit pizza (I may or may not have eaten most of this myself). So Gooooood!!!

Needless to say we had a nice day, even though I had to work later that!

1 comment:

Erica Bazil said...

I love all your fun holiday ideas! Your kids DO look so excited to find their little goodies. I like Reece's new haircut.