Friday, September 18, 2009

You just forget...

So not anything to report... but I was just bored tonight so I decided to go through some of Reese's old pictures. I'm sure it had to do with the idea of having another baby around and it just seems like so long ago that Reese was even considered a baby. Now she's a running, talking, dancing, singing -- little girl. I almost don't even remember what to do with a little baby! I suppose I do have a good 4 1/2 months to figure it out once again. I talk to Reese everyday about the baby in mommy's tummy and she likes to give the baby kisses, wave, and say hi to the baby. I'm pretty sure she doesn't quite get that there really is a baby in mommy's tummy (since she also seems to think there is one in hers) and she has no idea what a 'little brother' is, but it will be fun to see how she acts when he finally gets here.

I was honest to goodness shocked when the ultrasound lady told us it was a boy. I thought for sure we were going to have a few girls before any boys. There hasn't been hardly any differences so far this pregnancy compared to my pregnancy with Reese. I don't really get too sick, although I was a teeny bit more nauseous this go around. My aversions to food has been about the same - except I'm not going crazy over ground beef and fresh pineapple like I did with Reese. I really don't have any cravings this time -- I'm just lucky to find anything on a daily basis that appeals to me -- food just lacks it's luster for me still (except Banquet chicken pot pies - I eat about one a day).

So everything went well with the ultrasound - I'm measuring right on schedule. Half way through!! My due date is February 4th - just in case you didn't know. The little guy is very active and I've been able to feel very obvious kicks for a few weeks now. Todd has even been able to feel a few too (which I don't remember that happening this early with Reese). I have absolutely no ideas for names at this point -- and had quite a few girls names in mind, but boys are too hard. Everything is either too blah or too strange for us. Todd already told me that it's up to me but he still has to like it. So I'll be racking my brain for the next 4 months for something he approves of. This time I think I'm going to keep my names more to myself - I got tired of all the weird looks and comments when I told people we were naming our little girl Reese. It gets awkward when people obviously don't approve right in front of your face.

I just thought I would let you all know about what's been going on with the pregnancy thus far -- it's been pretty smooth sailings so far (minus my extreme lack of energy and emotional breakdowns). I'm definitely ready for the weather to cool down - I'm already uncomfortable. It's going to be tough when the little guy gets here since Todd will be back in school and working full time and I'll be home with just me and the kiddies. I suppose you just do it -- other people have survived in similar situations so I shouldn't worry too much. For fun go through my archives from Dec 07 and on up to see what I mean about not remembering Reese as a baby... I may or may not have cried a little. Enjoy!


The Higbees said...

I love how you say you thought you'd have a "few girls" before any boys!! How many kids you guys plannin on having!!! Anyways I just love little Reese!!! I remember when she was a little baby and we all fought over her cause we just loved her!! It's crazy you'll have another one in no time!!

The Bee Family said...

Seriously you really do forget huh. Even by the time they are like 4 or 5 months you just don't realize how much they've grown. They just do it without us even realizing! Don't worry i was totally freaked about having another one because you realy don't remember how to do anything but you're right you "just do it" and things work out! Love that little picture of Reese though it's just so sweet!

Candi said...

I love reading old posts - looking at the photos of when they were babies! They grow up so fast! I'm totally freaked about a second baby. Not about taking care of it, but the whole fitting into the family, Annagrace losing some of her spotlight and how is she going to handle that, will this baby get as much attention as Annagrace did/does, etc. I guess some of that is b/c I was the baby by MANY years so it was like being an only child. I don't really know how the whole new sibling thing works!

Megan said...

I'm terrified for #2, I completely understand forgetting EVERYTHING! Little boys are so much fun will be a great change of pace. I will be praying for you to have all the energy you will need for two children with Todd working and school...Daniel is just finishing up and there were days with just Coop that I thought how am I going to make it?! But you do, and you are great!