Friday, July 9, 2010

Just a few random pics...

So in case you hadn't noticed I've been a little bit more on the ball lately when it comes to posting pictures. Our internet has been incredibly stupid the past few weeks (since our complex switched providers and things didn't transition too smoothly) - so I wasn't really able to do much during that time. Also, we finally took our desktop in to get fixed. So things are running pretty smooth for the moment.
Just a few pics of Reese. She's had a lot of important phone calls this week with Ariel and other various princesses. Also, I actually did her hair. Usually when we're just slummin' it at home her hair is all over the place, but I've been so tired of it hanging in her face. Plus - I can leave it in for a few days and only have to curl her bangs if we go out.
Watching a little TV (I'm sure it's Caillou - her absolute favorite TV show). Also note the lack of pants, very comfortable during the summer, but we've also been working on using the big potty. Can I just say I hate potty training. I'm being very inconsistent right now and I need to get on the ball.
Reese in her "castle" we made of pillows.

A trip to the zoo (again). Daddy actually got to go this time.

I'm pretty sure a golden eagle could pick her up and carry her away.
Brushing the goats.

Going camping and swimming next week... should be fun. Todd has to stay home and go to school and work... not fun. Todd only has 2 more weeks of school and then he's done! WAHOO!! Of course he still has his student teaching, but we'll get to see him sooo much more!


The Bee Family said...

TWO WEEKS? WOOT WOOT!! How exciting for you! And congrats Todd-Oh my heck I bet you guys are so excited! By the way I can't believe how big Boston is getting he is so incredibly cute and of course Reese's hair never ceases to amaze me she has so much and it's so pretty!

Candi said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the pictures. They are so cute! It looks like y'all are having a fun summer. BTW, thanks for the passy idea. We got Jesse and she has been passy free since July 2! I think we are done and I couldn't be more excited. THANK YOU! We've continued to use bribery with TOY STORY to get her to sleep in her own room and it's almost been a week (She has been in her bed, but it was in our room - transitioning). On Monday we get to go buy Bullseye or Woody, her choice. What else can I use TOY STORY for?????