Monday, July 19, 2010

Primary Activity

Saturday Reese had a primary activity. It was cowgirl themed. We had it at the livestock and outdoor learning center.
The first activity was coloring their very own cowboy vest (made from a paper sack). Reese thought this was pretty cool to wear because it reminds her of Woody from Toy Story (her current obsession).
All the kids got their faces painted. Reese chose a butterfly on one cheek and a flower on the other.

We even got to ride a horse. Reese was so excited she could hardly stand it. She was bouncing around while she waited her turn in line.
It was a pretty exciting ride (well for Reese, me not so much) the girl lead us around the indoor arena. Don't mind me looking pretty gross. It was so hot in that arena and and my hair isn't done - obviously.
We grabbed Boston just for a picture - he didn't get to ride the horse.
The horse's name was Chuckwagon.
Doing a cake walk. Well it wasn't an actual cake walk since they didn't get a cake. They got a little bag of goodies.

Shooting cows with their water guns.

Eating their snacks.
Playing "Pass the Snake." Looks like it's not being passed so well.
Reese riding her stick horse. They had these made for all the kids to take home. It's made out of a tube sock. Reese had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

I love this! What a cute idea!