Monday, July 19, 2010

Swimming at Downata

Last Monday we went swimming at Downata Hot Springs for a cousins birthday party. Reese was so excited! I swear she was a fish in another life. We were there for hours and she could have stayed there for forever. I was happy that she's big enough to use water wings. It's so nice to not have to lug her around the pool. Don't fret I was right by her the whole time so she wouldn't drown.

By the end of the day she could get around pretty good with just the water wings. She still hasn't quite grasped the concept of swimming, but she's still mobile.
Hitching a ride with Grandma. My mom said she'd kill me if I posted any pics of her... so this will be our little secret.
Reese liked to spend most of her time in the little kiddie pool.
Taking a break and eating some Toy Story cookies.
I forgot to snap some pics of Boston in his swim trunks. They are so cute. We'll be going swimming again later this month so I'll have to remember then.
Boston isn't quite the marine animal his sister is, but he still liked the water. He actually liked being held better than sitting in his tube (I think because he doesn't sit up very well on his own).
I didn't take very many exciting pictures. I didn't really have my camera with me all the time.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Reese and Boston are so cute!!! We love and miss you all!