Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just a couple pics...

Here's just a couple pics... we haven't really been doing much lately. Above: Boston playing the guitar with daddy.
We've been going to the library every week and Reese loves it. We go and listen to story time and then check out a few books. They even let you check out puppets. Last week Reese had an elephant that she named Ellie and loved her dearly. We seriously took her everywhere - including the grocery store. Well her week was up and it was time to take Ellie back home to the library. Reese was pretty heartbroken, until she saw Rex. So This giant dinosaur (which also goes with her everywhere) is here at our house this week. Above: Reese and Rex watching a movie (probably Toy Story).

My cute little boy loves being in the tub. He is such a splasher. You have to keep your distance in the bathroom or you will be drenched in a matter of minutes. I'm surprised there is any water left in the tub after we're done. Bos is now 8 months! He is everywhere! He still doesn't crawl on his knees but he is so quick regardless. He's starting pull himself to standing now. He loves his walker. He loves to rip all the magnets off the fridge. He's one busy boy.

Today my mom came up and helped me with Reese's Halloween costume. I found a princess dress pattern and some fabric, but I needed some assistance. This is my first time using a pattern, well my first time sewing something besides a rag quilt. So grateful for my mom - she was a huge help. Ok she pretty much took over and sewed the whole thing. However, I did sew one of the sleeves. I had to at least do something so I could still claim some of the project. I did make a petticoat for the dress too - to give it a little poof. I had no pattern to work with and just kind of put it together, but it didn't turn out too bad. Naturally you'll see pictures when it's done.


The Bee Family said...

Oh my heck! I can't even believe that's Boston he is so so big! What percentile is he in? Wow he is growing. And I love your new family member Rex. hehe

Erica Bazil said...

I found you guys and couldn't believe it when I saw these pictures and realized you had two. What cute babies. How are you guys doing? I'll have to add you to our link list so I can keep an eye on you. :)

Angela said...

Reese & Boston are so adorable and getting so big! We love the tub shots and the dinosaur. We love and miss you.