Sunday, March 16, 2008

In the last little while...

So not too much has been going on lately... Reese's head has been really dry and flaky so we've been making sure to scrub all those flakes on in the tub... it really is quite gross... I'll be glad when she grows out of the flaky head stage. It doesn't seem to bother her though thank heavens... especially when I brush her hair 10 times a day to brush the flakes out.
It is nice to be able to know what she wants -- where as before it was mostly a guessing game which sometimes it still is... but she is falling into somewhat of a routine... eat, play, fussy, sleep... I'm also glad that she is such a cuddler... it cracks me up when she gets so fussy that all you have to do is put a binky in her mouth and magically her eyes close and she is zonked out for a little while...
Yes I know her hair is quite wild. It honestly sticks out in every direction and has not curl or wave what so ever... reminds me a lot of my own hair... at least she has hair I suppose... She is still such a doll with her mad scientist hair...

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