Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

So we had some what of a New Years party at 9 P.M. Todd picked up some poppers (which were a little scary for Reese) and some noise makers (which she couldn't blow hard enough into - so she just yelled into them to make noise). Yes we were already in our PJ's -- what exciting lives we live.
Making a giant mess for Mom to pick up. Side note: those little streamers did not want to vacuum up - so most of them were picked up by hand -- after they had already been scattered all over the entire house. I should have taken a picture of the mess afterwards -- at least she had fun I suppose.
Hair accessories.
Throwing them at Daddy. That was pretty much the extent of our New Years party -- Reese went to bed shortly after and Todd and I indulged on way too much junk and went to bed ourselves. How unexciting!
We are looking forward to what 2010 has to offer -- #1 birth of Baby "B" (4 1/2 weeks left) and #2 Todd's Graduation!!! I don't know which is more exciting -- just kidding.


Matt and Vicki said...

You know, at about 9:00 I wished that I were calling it a night too. I must be getting old or something.

Dan n' Josie said...

Wow, I'm so impressed at all your blogging. It looks like you guys had a great Christmas!! I'm excited for baby B to get here, he needs to hurry.