Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So there is an end in sight... I had my 39 week appointment today, and I'm scheduled to be induced Tuesday February 2nd (if he doesn't come on his own sooner). I can't help but feel happy to know I only have to "suffer" being pregnant for 6 more days (at the most). Naturally thinking about having little Boston actually here presents a whole new list of fears and worriments (if that is a word). I pray that everything goes well! If it runs as smooth as Reese's induction I've got absolutely nothing to fear, but as I watch a more and more episodes of A Baby Story on TLC I keep freaking myself out (a simple solution would be to not watch that show). I'm supposed to go in at 7:30 in morning. I also went in the morning when I had Reese and she was born by 5:42 that evening. There is always the possibility of Boston arriving before Tuesday but I highly doubt that is going to happen. I am so grateful to my Dr. who suggested the induction at today's appointment. He also asked how large Reese was when she was born and when I responded with 9lbs 10oz he told me to expect another 9 pounder. Oh joy! Really I am excited I like large sturdy babies, anything smaller would seem too fragile.

So I'll keep you posted. Expect some pics early next week!


The Bee Family said...

WOOT WOOT! Can't wait to see him!

The Higbees said...

Wahoo!! Keep us updated!! Everything will go great!!