Monday, August 2, 2010


Saturday night we took Reese to the carnival. She was finally old enough to ride the rides. It was a roller coaster of emotions throughout the night. She was really excited when we were in line for the caterpillar roller coaster and even kept a smile on her face for the first time around -- oh how things changed!
She bawled the rest of the caterpillar ride and on the next ride too. We're such mean parents to make her ride!

On the train she never cried, but I don't know that she ever smiled either.

We did end the night on a good note... I think it helped she got to ride with her cousins Ethan and Dylan. Ethan even showed her how to honk the horn.

Waving at mom and dad.

We even let her play one of the carny games. I forgot to take a picture but she got to pick up one of the rubber ducks in the duck pool game. On the bottom was written what size of prize you get. Naturally, we payed $5 for her to play and she walked away with a .75 stuffed dog. We felt a little guilty about her not having a good time during the first couple rides, so oh well.

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