Monday, August 30, 2010

We're Back

Well we're back... and by that I mean back in Pocatello. We finally said good riddance to Rexburg. The move went well (as can be expected). Naturally we underestimated how much stuff we actually have. Pocatello is great already. We're able to hang out with our friends a lot more, our new apartment is like twice the size of our old one, and we're not as far away from family. Reese loves the new house. Her room is twice the size and the kids have their own bathroom. There's a really nice playground here at our complex too. So we are really liking being back here.

Todd will be starting his student teaching this week. Today and the next few days he'll be attending faculty meetings and later this week he'll actually be in the classroom. He'll be teaching an 11th grade History class, he's really excited! It's nice having him home at 4 everyday! Bronco season is upon us. We enjoyed a pre-season game yesterday with all of our friends. We snapped a quick picture before everyone arrived in our blue and orange garb. Boston had no clue where to look for the picture since we had it setup on the tripod.

My cute little bathtub boy. Sorry the video is kind of small. Isn't he just he cutest. He was splashing like a mad man tonight but when ever I tried to video him he just stared at the camera. Boston is almost 7 months. I can't believe it! He still doesn't have any interest in sitting up. He is an explorer. He wants to crawl so bad. He gets around with his little army crawl pretty well. He moves all around the room already getting into things. I'm not really looking forward to a mobile child. We've started him on fruits and veggies. He LOOOOVES applesauce. You can't put each spoonful in his mouth fast enough. He's such a cutie. He still spits up a lot. I was hoping we would have outgrown this by now, but it's not the case. Now where he's mobile I'm constantly cleaning spit up all over the room. Oh well I guess. He's a perfect child in every other aspect so I shouldn't complain.

1 comment:

The Bee Family said...

Haha cute little boston is all-what's going on what are you all looking at? I love your Bronco "garb" and I can't even tell you how delish Fredrico's pizza sounds I think you better give me your recipe!