Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just Beachy

So all summer we've been talking about going to a beach. The initial plan was to go to Bear Lake sometime, but since summer is almost over and Todd will be busy student teaching soon that just wasn't going to happen. So we packed a picnic and other necessary beach items (sand castle equipment) and headed to Rigby. They have a reservoir type place with a beach and picnic area.
My Beach Boy! Boston was lovin' being outside. You can even see his 2 new teeth coming in.

Reese twirling around in the water... what she called a 'helicopter.'
We got there too late to get a nice picnic table on the grass by the nicer beach area... so we hiked to the little island area and found the last picnic table in the shade. It was a lot rockier over where we were but that actually worked to our advantage since Reese sat and threw rocks in the water forever. It was nice because we were kind of by ourselves for quite a while and it was peaceful, but then a bunch of moronic high school aged kids plotted down right by us - they were so obnoxious and loud!
The water is quite shallow, so you can walk out a little ways.
Mmm... chips! Boston is in that grabby stage, and the I want to taste everything stage. We got him one of those teether things you can feel with fruit and he munched on grapes all afternoon.
We had a fun day! We are trying to take advantage of Todd's days off these last few weeks. Tomorrow we're going bowling and having a pizza party to celebrate my birthday (which isn't until Monday, but hey who doesn't like to stretch the birthday festivities out a little bit).


The Bee Family said...

Oh my heck! Boston looks like he's grown a lot just since to weeks ago! And I had to laugh at your comment about the obnoxious loud highschoolers...I so remember when that was us :) haha

Heather said...

Got to love Rigby Lake! Aren't you guys moving soon?

Angela said...

So cute!!! We miss you guys a ton! Boston is getting so big. We were planning on going to our little beach again tomorrow and I just looked at your blog and thought, great minds think alike. Looks like you had fun! Hopefully we will too, and no highschoolers will crash on us. Have fun birthday celebrations!

Dan n' Josie said...

Oh how fun, we have been wanting to go to Rigby lake all summer, but haven't made it yet. Your kids are getting too big! They are so cute.