Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Weekend to Me!!!

Sorry but these pictures went in the exact opposite order I wanted... I always forget when I upload skip down to Friday first... ok these pics here are from Saturday (my actual birthday). After work we headed down to Preston and met up with the Bee's at the Bull Bonanza (a festivity held during the fair) - the actual bull part was lame but we were able to see some old friends and spend some time with Kate and Eli.
Sadie is about 4 months older than Reese. Kate and I are set on trying to make them be friends. Sadie would give her "luvs" but I failed to get a photo. It's too bad we live an hour away and can't have more play dates.
We stayed the night in Preston and had a nice Sunday dinner with all my family to celebrate my birthday. About 3-4 different times during lunch we caught these two (my nephews) taking a wizz. They always made sure to face us whenever they did it to (maybe to prove they were big boys who didn't pee in their underwear)
Reese likes to play patty cake now. She can pat it and roll it - we haven't conquered throwing it in the oven yet - soon I'm sure.
There's that bottom lip again.. she is always pulling this little pouty face - whenever she pokes her lip out it makes her cheeks seem even chubbier - like there is no room for her lips to sit naturally on her face.. what a goof ball.
(these are some other pictures that were supposed to be under Friday - at the play ground at Ross Park after we had a nice little picnic lunch).

These pics are from Saturday before we went to the Bull Bonanza. Ethan got the Thomas the train engine set out that has the cars that drive them selves so naturally destruct-o girl was always trying to catch the cars to eat. In the photo below notice we still have blue eyes. Must have come from the grandmas and yes her hair even though longer is just as wild - there is no taming it, I've tried many products and styles...I just let fly.

FRIDAY -- so my birthday weekend (yes I said weekend) I couldn't get my actual birthday off (apparently in retail the Saturday before school starts is a pretty important day to be there) from work so we kind of spread the celebration out. Friday we didn't do anything too exciting just went to Ross Park and the Pocatello Zoo. Where you can see local animals in a make shift natural habitat. We still like to go though. It's quite the hike if you've ever been, the zoo is kind of set up on this cliff side so one half is spent climbing up this mountain and the other half is crusing down the mountain (on foot).

Reese chillin' in her stroller...(ps I got a new digital camera for my birthday and I love it... Sony DSC-W170- I was in dire need of a new one)!!!
As mentioned before we saw animals we see around this area anyways... Look how majestic the Bison is.. in his natural habitat (troth)?
One nice feature is the petting zoo -there are donkeys, cows, and goats that you can go in their pen with. Reese is really starting to like animals - and especially lazy goats that just sit there while you pull on their ears.
The donkeys didn't ever get too close - but she thought they were hilarious, maybe it was the big ears (which might be why she also finds her mom and dad hilarious).
The zoo also has this big tree house with different levels and a slide. Note: the slide is made for smaller butts.. Todd originally was the one who took her up first and I was going to stand at the bottom for photo opps while they slid down - but Todd didn't fit in the slide. It's amazing my child bearing hips did.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Kim!! I so love your story telling! I've missed your funny observations and everything! I'm glad you're back!