So we are still going strong with CIO and for 3 nights in a row has slept in her bed the whole night! It's working great for naps too she cries for maybe 2 minutes and then takes a hint... It kin of makes me sad when I hear her wake up and cry because she still has a cough and now her nose is quite runny -- until it's unbearable she is going to stick to our routine. The only other thing that worries me is the position she is in when she falls asleep. She is literally bent in half. It looks so uncomfortable. I tried straightening her out the other day but it only woke her up. Maybe it will just make her really flexible and not do any damage to her little back.
Love the Bear video! So cute! And two nights ago I made Sadie cry during the night she cried on and off for and hour straight at 1:00 a.m. so I finally went in but refused to give her anything but water or a binki. So she took her binki and went right back down. Last night she didn't even wake up ONCE! I hope I have good luck like you and this stays permanent! Hope you get to come up soon!
It's so nice when they finally sleep through the night! Of course we went and had another baby so between pregnancy bathroom trips and a newborn I've never been able to fully enjoy it. Ah, the joys of motherhood!
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