Sunday, April 20, 2008

This week...

Sorry to all who read that I haven't put much on in the last few days. Things have been crazy busy at work. We are in the process of opening up a new store (and being the manager that automatically obligates me to work longer hours than anyone). The first few days were hours of taking the new summer product out of packages and folding endless piles of Tees, camis, and other DownEast product. Not what most would consider fun but I actually don't mind it. I really like busy work. The new store is looking great and we should be ready for opening next Wednesday. It's been a constant juggle with work and the baby. On the days I'm just in the new store getting things set up I'll take Reese - Thank the Lord I was blessed with a wonderful child and she is easily occupied in her car seat with toy.

Minutes ago I finished preparing my lesson for Relief Society. (My mother already scolded me that most people spend the whole month planning and preparing their lesson- I naturally looked at it for the first time last night). Every time I've opened up the manual to try and attempt at getting something done I find myself dozing off to dreamland where my life is a lot less hectic. (A place I wish I could visit a bit more often). I'm extremely tired... and next week is going to be equally as busy.

How do other people juggle so much craziness, and I only have one child? I suppose it's a learned skill. My legs are sore my eyes are droopy and yet here I am updating my blog instead of going to bed (one problem might be my priorities getting mixed up - as shown in the previous sentence). I'm really sorry I'm just rambling on. I'm trying to soak up this "me" time I actually have while Todd watches the recording of the Jazz game and Reese is sleeping.

After church tomorrow we will be heading down to Preston to have some good home cooked dinner at my mom's house. It's a combined birthday dinner for My brothers Jason and Tyler. Last year we made the mistake to set aside a separate Sunday for every spring birthday (which there are a lot)... with the cost of gas, and the headache along of trying to put together that many birthday dinners for everyone.. we started combining them. In August I only have to share my birthday dinner with my nephew Ethan... since he will only be turning 4 the meal will be prepared based on my favorites (everyone gets to pick what will be cooked for their birthday dinner).

Sorry here I am rambling again.. and I haven't read over this to see if there are any errors... again I'm way too tired for that.. so I'll see ya later.


Guh said...

i have to teach rs this sunday too... i'll be honest... the first time i looked at it was Friday night...

obviously we make sure we aren't UNDER prepared, but i heard once that you should never be over prepared for a lesson because it prevents you from relying on the spirit as much as you would otherwise.

it's all about finding the right balance for you, i think.

Heather said...

Wow, Kim it sounds like you are super busy lately! I like your blog and your baby is sure cute! Let me know if you ever need help with a babysitter...

The Bee Family said...

Kim I just wanted to say I love ya and to hang in there. I think your amazing to be able to do all that you do!