So not much going on like I said. Todd just recently switched to working over nights again for the next couple weeks and it kind of stinks... except that he is off by noon - so that gives us some more time to see him during the day. Reese has adjusted well to the new place... except last night when she decided her bedtime was 1 am. As much as I love her I was quite angry with her last night. It was so frustrating when she would come over numerous times during the night with binkie in mouth and blankie in hand and lift her arms up to be picked up and numerous times after this happened I thought "finally this child wants to sleep," boy was I wrong. She would lay in my arms for a few minutes then poke her little head up and point at something in the room and start a little conversation about whatever she was pointing at. My mother always advised to just force her to sit and rock and eventually she will give in and go to sleep. Well as I tried to do that she would scream bloody murder! I would get so frazzled that my neighbors above, across, and behind would think I was murdering my child that I would give in. A major disadvantage to living in an apartment... I feel bad about letting her sit and cry for the sake of my neighbors. I know I'm probably overly paranoid, but in the moment I can't handle it. So we'll see how tonight goes. It just stinks when I know she is tired and I'm very tired and that doesn't help with the patience. I enjoy my sleep -- I'm not one of those people that can get by on less than 8 hours of sleep... no matter how hard I try to condition my body to survive on less it just makes me more irritable to everyone around me. This lady needs her sleep.
Reese has been enjoying the high speed internet... especially when her daddy is hogging the TV to watch the jazz. She is able to see some new Elmo clips besides the DVDs that she has seen over and over again in our personal collection. It cracks me up when he comes on the screen and he says hello to the audience and she says "hi" and waves. Reese's vocabulary thus far consists of Da Da, Mum, Taa (she always yells this one too, I think it's Todd - not sure why she yells it... certainly didn't pick that up from her mother), she woofs when she sees a puppy and on occasion she will say kitty -- or "icshy" well it doesn't exactly sound like kitty but you get the idea. Lately everything is "pid" or pretty, she points at the lights or when her hair is done and says pretty.
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